Monday, March 27, 2017

Democrats Hate White People

See Matt Stoller, at Medium, "On Mocking Dying Working Class White People."

And R.S. McCain responds, "Matt Stoller has aggregated comments at a HuffPo article by liberals sneering at the problems of poor white people":

Being old enough to remember how the Left vilified Charles Murray in the mid-1990s when he predicted the emergence of the white underclass, I am tempted to smile cynically at the current plight of Democrats. They imagined that “The Future Is Female,” only to discover that “The Future Is Redneck.” While it is too soon to guess the political consequences in the immediate future, Democrats are not likely to recover quickly if they choose to double-down on the anti-white, anti-male, anti-heterosexual rhetoric that led them to unexpected disaster in 2016.
Be sure to scroll through that Stoller piece though. Leftist really, and I mean really, hate white people.