Saturday, April 27, 2013

George W. Bush Speech at Dedication of Presidential Library

President Bush got choked up at the end of his speech. A great man and a great presidency. I'm looking forward to visiting his presidential library.

Highlights from the event at CNN, "Presidential library leaves Bush teary-eyed."

And see Joseph Curl, at the Washington Times, "W Outclasses Barack and Bill Without Even Trying":

DALLAS — Shortly after Barack Obama was elected in 2008, a fellow reporter who'd covered President George W. Bush all eight years told me she'd had enough of the travel and stress and strain of the White House beat, that she was moving on. We reminisced about all the places we'd been, all the crazy days and wild nights, all the history we'd seen — first hand. Just before we said our goodbyes, I asked her if she'd miss covering President Obama.

"Not at all. He's an inch deep. Bush is a bottomless chasm, a deep, mysterious, emotional, profound man. Obama is all surface — shallow, obvious, robotic, and, frankly, not nearly as smart as he thinks. Bush was the one."

Her words, so succinct, have stuck with me ever since. By the way, she's a hardcore Democrat.

But she was right. And that contrast was apparent to all who watched Thursday's ceremonial event to open W's new presidential library in Dallas. The class and grace and depth of America's last president completely outshined that of his successor (who, coincidentally, or perhaps not, was the only one seated in the shade on a sunny Texas day)...
Continue reading.

Also, "Watch The Battle Hymn of the Republic performed by the U.S. Army Chorus."