Monday, May 7, 2012

France, Greece, and the End of the Euro

From Jeremy Warner, at Telegraph UK, "Hollande wins and the end of the euro draws nearer" (via RealClearWorld).

I was thinking along these lines yesterday: "Socialist François Hollande Wins French Presidential Election."

RELATED: See what you can make of Paul Krugman's argument, "Those Revolting Europeans" (via Memeorandum). Krugman floats the notion of a collapse of the Euro, but only as a straw man to browbeat Germany to drop its insistence on austerity. In other words, Germany --- and France --- should end the pretense of fiscal restraint and start spending like there's no tomorrow. And Germany especially should be the market of last resort for depressed-economy exports, thus allowing its currency to appreciate, and then, ineluctably, making its own exports less competitive. Alas, Krugman wants the market only when it fits his agenda of the ever-spending welfare state. Obviously Berlin's not down with that redistributionist program.

Again, check that Memeorandum link for more. Krugman's getting a lot of huzzahs from the progs all fired up with the socialist victory and the impending gush of socialist red ink.