Saturday, November 5, 2011

Night Walk with 4-4 Cav

At Michael Yon's:
It’s amazing how many lights can be seen on a dark night. Especially if you are with the US military. Different-colored lights are useful for differing purposes. The color you use can depend on your job. For medics, blue light is good for blood. It’s also good for tracking blood trails. Bright white is best but then the enemy can shoot you. Red light can make blood disappear, but then again blue light makes petroleum look like blood, and so if you are treating patients at night from after an IED strike on a vehicle, there can be confusion. American military maps are made to be “red light readable” because red light preserves night vision and is harder to see from a distance. The question of lights and how to use them can soak up thousands of words and so let’s keep it simple and move on.
Amazing photo-essay. Check the whole thing at the link.